For those who came up in a make-the-month world, as I did at General Electric, the idea of focusing on process instead of results may be hard to swallow. Everyone wants to improve his company’s
results. I have found, however, that the best way to reliably improve your results is to fix your processes.
Spending a lot of time analyzing what happened last month—as happens in a traditional company—is a waste. Last month already happened. You can’t do anything about it now. Companies that focus on the past usually try to offset bad results from operations
with some wizardry in accounting (think Enron, Health South, or WorldCom), but they are rarely successful for long.
What you can affect is the present and the future, and improving your processes now means that you will have better results next month, and the month
after that. Better results come from delivering better value to customers.
This is the essence of what any company’s strategy should be: delivering value to customers. People get confused here and talk about strategies such as
“enhancing shareholder value.” This is looking at strategy backwards. Shareholder value will increase only if the company can deliver superior value to
customers on a consistent basis over a long period of time. So, shareholder value is a result, not a strategy.
Switching to a lean strategy, by the way, doesn’t mean that you have to give up doing all the things you have historically thought of as strategy. You can
still try to develop new products, enter new markets, and improve your quality and your customers’ experience.
The difference is that switching to lean will allow you to execute these actions much faster and more economically. You will be able to do things that your
competitors can’t do. You will have the strategic advantage.
Think of lean as a time-based growth strategy. The steps you take to improve your value-adding processes will automatically reduce the amount of time it takes you to do everything. Companies that compete on speed will naturally gain market share
against slower competitors.
More important, history has proved that people will pay for speed. Think of FedEx taking business away from the U.S. Postal Service. The post office still charges
less than a dollar to reliably deliver a letter anywhere in the country, as long as you do not mind waiting. FedEx collects an enormous price differential (more than
2,000 percent) based on the promise of getting it there fast.
Never lose sight of your main objective in making the lean transformation: delivering value to the customer. Do not begin a lean transformation in order to cut
costs or reduce inventory or achieve some other internal goal (which, unfortunately, is the most common approach).
Lean cannot be just one of 10 elements of your strategy. It must be the foundational core of everything you are trying to do; that is how it becomes your culture.
Don’t just do lean; be lean.
作者:Art Byrne